Please have a look at the standard services below. Feel free to contact me for customized service to attend your particular therapeutic needs.

Outdoor Therapeutic Session
Studies have shown that regular exposure to the outdoors and nature are beneficial to mental health. This is a therapy session done outdoors, in a place of our agreed choice, where we will enjoy the benefits of the outdoors and nature, as well as practice mindfulness, grounding, interacting with the environment around us, and relax. We can discuss whichever topic you feel safe to bring to my attention and the session is done at your pace, to attend your specific emotional needs.

Therapeutic Horticulture Session
Many people have a great relationship with their garden. Many grow their own food, others cultivate flowers, or native plants. Horticulture has long been used in many settings to help people improve their physical and mental health. In this session, I can visit your own home garden, or we can visit a local community garden, to care for plants together. As we interact with the plants, we develop a strong relationship of trust and we can talk about potential topics that you may find difficult to manage in your life, and you want to share with me in this therapeutic session.

Online Counselling Session
Many clients are preferring to book online counselling sessions. Sometimes they live far away from professional counsellors. Others are very busy and have limited times in which they can go to their therapy sessions. A few prefer to have the computer between them and their therapist. Lots of meetings are now online, so if you, for whatever reason, prefer to engage in online therapy, this service may suit your needs.

Face-to-face Counselling Session
If you are looking for a counsellor, in a more traditional one-on-one and face-to-face style, I also offer this service. The location will depend on where it is convenient for both you and I, as I can go to different areas for this service.

Nature Therapy for Kids
Children are little sponges and they learn a lot in the early years of their life. Mental health is a critical aspect of development and learning, therefore, it is crucial for kids to learn the very simple ways of caring for their own mental health so they bring that knowledge to the rest of their lives. It is also during childhood that some signs of anxiety can start to appear, but with good early intervention, it is easier to manage anxiety levels long term. Nature therapy can help with a variety of issues, so please contact me to discuss your specific needs and see if this can help you and your child.
Nature Therapy for Seniors
Nature therapy can help seniors manage anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions like dementia. Through simple activities, seniors are exposed to nature, which can help regulate mood and stress, help the management of anxiety and depression, reducing aggressive behaviour, and promoting peace. It also helps with activating mobility in parts of the body, and build a great sense of achievement. If you are interested in knowing more, please contact me.

School Program
This is a program for schools. It is an opportunity to bring mental health care to children as a way to raise awareness, work on prevention, and give simple tools for kids to learn self managing their emotions. It is a therapeutic opportunity through the use of the outdoors and nature. It can be done in a school's veggie garden, at a school's outdoor area with trees or nature, and it can be as long or as short as the school needs it to be. This program is customized for each school's needs, and written in partnership with the school counsellor/chaplain, to address the specific needs raised by the kids in each school. Contact me today to discuss your needs.